F.A.D – Fear, Anxiety & Depression. A true story.

Seek help? Help yourself? Reach out? Hide behind four walls? Picture this; Rolling out of bed in the morning, the air feels cold and brittle on your face. You feel as though a dark cloud has emerged from the bedding behind you. As you shuffle your way to the edge of the bed, a sudden…

Crohns and what you don’t know…

So here are some points that I bet you had not considered while talking to your friend, family member or co-worker suffering with Crohn’s. You must always remember that everything may appear fine on the outside but IBD sufferers are VERY good at hiding their pain and anguish with a brave face. Redbubble Things you don’t know……

Who I am and why I have a voice.

Thanks for navigating your way to my blog. Now I know that blogs are probably meant to be full of entertainment and craziness, and I am sure that there will be some remarkable parts but for the most part this is to track my Life and my journey. As well as a variation of other…