Who I am and why I have a voice.

Thanks for navigating your way to my blog. Now I know that blogs are probably meant to be full of entertainment and craziness, and I am sure that there will be some remarkable parts but for the most part this is to track my Life and my journey. As well as a variation of other topics.


I am 29 year old, single homeowner with a 14 month old pup that relies on Mummy to be home AND to make a living as well as being well enough to simply go for a walk! So right now, I am working on my fortune part time and making my living full time!
I decided recently to own my voice! I have a voice and so do you, so why not make noise loud enough for others to hear on subjects that need to be heard, as well as those that are just for our entertainment value. I will share with you my experiences and other parts of my life, stay tuned!



I suffer from Crohns disease and some of the nasties that come with it… Now you may be unfamiliar with Crohns Disease but I am sure that plenty of you will be familiar with the dreaded IBS! In short, Crohns is an Auto Immune disease that attacks the lining of the digestive system, this can be life changing.

I was diagnosed around 2-3 years ago and have struggled with weight issues, joint pain, what we call “flares”, tests, scans, medicines and overall, a management program that works for me. I am one of the lucky ones as I have not experienced hair loss due to meds or been fitted with the rather fashionable of late, colostomy bag. Someone of you are probably rolling your eyes at this point thinking that its just a tummy ache and a trip to the loo but you would be wrong. I will post a blog shortly that will probably shock you and prevent you from judging “the disease you cannot see” in future.


Due to my battle with weight, I was recently introduced to Arbonne and was immediately interested in the Nutrition range that they offer. It is vegan friendly (I try to maintain this 85% of the time), gluten free and plant based – which is pretty difficult to find without an overload of additives. The programme comes with a plan guide and lots of suggestions for healthy meals. “The 30 day to healthy living plan” not only is a health kick, but it helps aid weight management AND you get the use of a nutritionist for the period of 30 days. Obviously I jumped in the deep end and agreed as I am so keen to test this with Crohns, mainly as a Guinea pig but to see what it has to offer my well-being as well as if it works. I will update you on this when I begin on 16th October and actively show you my results!

Thanks for reading my first blog, the next is coming shortly!!!


One Comment Add yours

  1. Welcome to blogging 😀 You’re off to a great start. Looking forward to more posts on your pup and more.

    Liked by 1 person

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