What to consider before investing in a French Bulldog…

Most people that know me are very aware of the fact, that My French Bulldog is more like a princess. Sometimes I think she has a better lifestyle than I do! So, this is an unbiased post as obviously I own a frenchie, however, there are things I want owners to be ready for before going out and bringing the little bundle home.


  • Money, Money, Money. Oh & Money!
    You might think that the initial payment for the puppy is the costly part when having a french bulldog, you would be wrong. Remember, there is an abundance of things you must get to ensure your puppy learns and is trained in the correct way.
    Not only this, you will NEED pet insurance. Do not forget to get this, French Bulldogs are notorious for needing a trip to the vet, not only that, what if your pup has an accident or gets an injury? God forbid of course, yet I would always recommend Pet Insurance. Frenchies are prone to brachycephalic airway syndrome, sometimes needing surgeries for this and joint/pelvic issues. They also have sensitive tummies so get ready for the “free from” costly food! Do your research as you really will need to consider this. I am constantly putting her health before mine and making sure she is happy and healthy, even if it means I go without! However, ALWAYS investigate the breeder and it is of course possible to have a pup with no issues at all! The costs will subside once you know how to manage your frenchies needs. You do not need to be rich to own a frenchie!
  • Sweet, sweet destruction!
    This breed is probably the most destructive if allowed to be. Although many people report no destruction at all. If you do, the key here is to put anything chew-able out of reach, any paper that can be shredded should be moved, skirting board corners hidden and make sure you get a good amount of solution sprays to stop the chewing of any furniture! As you will learn each pup has their own personality so this is an attribute when it comes to whether they fancy a chew or not!
    My pup is my gardener, I will never need to cut down the trees as she has been working on removing them, branch by branch, since she came into my life!
  • Different puppy, Different rules.
    You may read all over the internet that French Bulldog’s don’t need much walking, that they are lazy and that a walk round the block twice a day is enough… Maybe for some! My pup is energetic and hyperactive 85% of the time when someone is home, she wants to play, run and walk as much as possible. Twice a week she walks around 4 miles and other days around 1-2 miles, believe it or not she will still have energy when mummy is home! Simply put, don’t believe all you read or what is “supposedly” known about the breed as each dog has their own personality and nature.
  • Keep them clean!
    Not only are their tummy’s sensitive, sometimes their skin can be too. You must make sure to keep their eyes and ears clean, especially if your pup is white as the tear stains will do exactly that, stain. Their ears are subjected to filth everyday as they are beautifully upright. Make sure shampoos are sensitive ones at first for their puppy skin, I have always used baby shampoo myself and it lasts as they don’t need to be bathed too often.
  • Time is of the essence
    Your french bulldog will want to spend every waking minute by your side, whether you are sitting on the toilet or not. They are loyal and loving dogs, each show it in their own way. Mine shows it by bringing you toys or laying in my lap! You MUST make sure you have the time to spend with your companion in the evenings and weekends at the least and devote time to them, even if it is just a prolonged snuggle.

Please make sure you do your research because the numbers of abandoned French Bulldogs have doubled this year as some people see them as a “fashion accessory”. 

A Frenchie is for life, not just for Christmas!



Everything written is based on my own experiences and opinion

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Dave Adamson says:

    You are so right, the same can be said for the Lowchen.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. millennialmeanings says:

    Love this post so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My Journey - General, Arbonne & Crohns says:

      Thanks so much!


  3. Miss A says:

    Too cute!


    1. My Journey - General, Arbonne & Crohns says:



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